

1634 Uppsatser om Humanitarian nursing - Sida 1 av 109

Libyenkrisen ? en humanitär intervention? : En kvalitativ textanalys som syftar till att förklara motiven bakom NATO:s och FN:s beslut att intervenera Libyen

Humanitarian intervention is a concept that generates several problems in our time. The idea of humanitarian intervention concerns the modern norms of sovereignty and noninterventional principals. It also concerns the conventional norm, which declares that states are not allowed to interfere in other states? internal affairs. The use of military force to implement humanitarian intervention is restricted according to international law.

Helgar målet alltid medlen? En etisk analys av de ekonomiska sanktionerna mot Sydafrika och Haiti och dess humanitära konsekvenser.

In this bachelor thesis my main purpose is to examine the ethical legitimacy of economic sanctions, by assessing the humanitarian consequences this type of actions create. I will do this by a closer examination of the two historic cases of South Africa and Haiti. The humanitarian consequences will then be measured against my chosen theories, to help answer my main questions. The theories I have been working with is the broader interpretation of the just-war theory; the just-sanctions theory, and two major metaethical theories.The result I found after the finished examination of the chosen cases, are that economic sanctions and morality doesn?t necessarily match.

Sjuksköterskans utmaningar : Under ett humanitärt uppdrag

Bakgrund: Humanitära insatser i kris- och katastrofområden har en historia där sjuksköterskans roll är central. Att komma som sjuksköterska till ett krisdrabbat område med detta enorma ansvar och att jobba under flera veckor, ofta månader, i en ny miljö ställer enorma krav på sjuksköterskans kompetens. Även andra åtskilliga förmågor så som kulturell kompetens, ledar- och organisationsförmåga, samarbete och flexibilitet sätts på prov. Sjuksköterskan förväntas vägleda, dirigera och samordna de professioner som jobbar runt sjuksköterskan samtidigt som denne själv ska ansvara för andras säkerhet och omvårdnad. Detta i en värld där natur och människoskapade katastrofer ökat drastiskt de senaste åren.Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva utmaningar sjuksköterskor upplever under ett humanitärt uppdrag.Metod: Denna studie är en litteraturöversikt baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats.

Världssamfundets förändrade roll och dess effekter : En kartläggning av humanitära syften inom FN:s fredsbevarande operationer

The aim of this paper is to map out the purposes of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. This is done in order to see if humanitarian tendencies have been an increasingly cause for the UN to initiate an intervention with military means. This paper uses the time period from the end of the cold war until today, since that historic occurrence increased the U.N.?s involvement in peacekeeping. By using this time span it enables the survey to indicate changes in the mapping of humanitarian interventions.

Sverige och Humanitära Interventioner - en kritisk granskning av den svenska regeringens ställningstagande till humanitära interventioner

The increasing importance of human rights within the international community over the past fifteen years has raised the issue of humanitarian intervention. This concept is a complex one, and in the debate surrounding this issue can be heard arguments from and within legal, political and ethical standpoints. There is not yet a unified definition or agreement as to the nature of humanitarian intervention but it is clear that it is an important issue internationally and it is therefore interesting to see how this has affected the debate within individual countries. This study will thus examine the international development surrounding humanitarian intervention in relation to the official position taken by the Swedish government. The developments and discussion surrounding humanitarian intervention internationally and two central difficulties within this concept, legality vs.

Katastrofbistånd - utifrån ett organisationsperspektiv

AbstractTime after time the world is struck by humanitarian catastrophes, whether it is through a war or a natural disaster. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to have a functional and effective aid, as it is a matter of life and death. Thereby the actions of the humanitarian aid organizations are interesting. The investigation treats the three specific organizations Star of Hope, Sida and the Red Cross movement and the process from decision to action in times of war. The organizations are different from one another in many areas.

Volontärarbete : -God gärning eller hobbyverksamhet?

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to highlight the western involvement in Thai orphanages and, on basis of Western moral development workers and volunteers, enlighten how Western colonial heritage can be recreated in the humanitarian economic aid.The study is based on the recent tsunami disaster in 2004 which led to a huge voluntary effort by Western volunteers and organizations who wanted to rebuild the country. Now, seven years after the disaster, the country has recovered well and thanks to a strong turism, and industrial growth, the country has now reached the position of a middle income country with regional power.The study presents a selection of previous ressearch in the area from different critical perspectives. It is a field study based on qualitative interviews with six informants that highlights the individual engagment in humanitarian assistance. Theories based on Post-colonialism and globalization have been used in order to analyze and reach the result of this study..

Natos intervention i Kosovo 1999 : En ställningstagande idéanalys av Natos argumentation om begreppet humanitära interventioner

This thesis is an analysis based on the problem of defining a humanitarian intervention and argues when or not, it is appropriate to operate it. The interest lies in finding out whether the argument itself is justifiable,not whether the act of interference was justifiable. My hypothesis is that both private and international operatios misuse the definition "humanitarian interventions" as an excuse to trespass the laws of war. Behind the idea of protecting human rights, freedom and democracy, is the liberalist idea of all individuals being equal. The respect for their freedom and rights drives outside actors to intervene when crimes are comitted against them.

Suveränitet kontra humanitär intervention i Libyen 2011

For one month during the beginning of 2011, the world followed the violent events in Libya. During this time the United Nations was faced with a complex question, could they handle the ongoing violence and find a solution to the killings or would the hostile situation go on. We now know what happened, but not why. It is this question that this essay aims to answer. This essay covers the discussion of sovereignty on the one hand and humanitarian intervention on the other and responsibility to protect in between.

Ett (o)tillåtet undantag eller en (ny)etablerad regel? : - En studie av den nuvarande folkrättsliga regleringen av humanitär intervention

AbstractThis essay has as its purpose to discuss the current legal regulation of the concept of humanitarian intervention. The inconsistencies in the debate over the legal status of this concept, and the legal uncertainty it brings to the acts of states and the lives of their nationals is a motivating factor for the writing of this essay. However, it has been clear from the outset that the concept of humanitarian intervention is intricately connected to political and moral ideas and values. Thus, the attitude taken towards this doctrine will be highly dependent on the perspectives of the state, government or single author representing it.Following this starting point, the aim of this essay is not to present a single answer as to whether humanitarian intervention is, or is not, legal, but to research, compare and analyze the different arguments put forward in this subject in international law today. Hopefully, this will provide the reader of this essay with some insight into the sources of international law of today and how the principles of state sovereignty, non-intervention, the prohibition of force and the protection of human rights relate to the concept of humanitarian intervention.A frank overview of the UN Charter does not support use of force except in the case of self-defence or without a Security Council mandate.

Utrikesbevakning : ? påverkar media agerandet i internationella kriser?

AbstractTitle: Foreign news coverage. Does the media influence the action in international crises? (Utrikesbevakning. Påverkar media agerandet i internationella kriser?)Number of pages: 39Author: Charlotta AndréssonTutor: Professor Lowe HedmanCourse: Media and Communication Studies CUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Date of submission: 2007-01-03, autumn term of 2006Purpose/AimThe purpose of the essay is partly to examine if foreign news coverage influence the political agenda setting and the incentives of the public?s willingness to give charity for humanitarian crises.

Humanit?ra initiativ som grund f?r vapenkonventioner L?rdomar och insikter

In recent years, many efforts on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferations have been made by non-nuclear states and civil society. The dissatisfaction has motivated non-governmental organizations to pursue a ?humanitarian initiative? based on international conferences aimed at highlighting the humanitarian consequences of certain arms and nuclear weapons. This study examines the five key roles, according to Rapport et al. (2012), that civil society organizations have played in the establishment of arms control conventions, more specifically the Mine Ban Treaty, also called Ottawa Convention, and the Cluster Munition Convention.

Individanpassad omvårdnad : ett steg mot optimal stationärvård för hund och katt

When nursing human patients during hospitalization, the nurse is the one responsible. The nursing is controlled by different models of nursing and careplans, shaped by every patient?s individual needs. This is to guarantee the quality of the care. The veterinary nurse is not ultimately responsible for patient care.

Lyssna även på mig! En litteraturstudie om hur närstående till personer med demenssjukdom upplever vårdpersonalen och relationen till dem.

The aim of the literature review was to investigate how relatives to a person suffering from dementia, in institution, experienced the nursing hom staff and the relation to them. The study was based on eight scientific articles. The result gave thirteen themes, that showed that relatives experienced the nursing home staff having a hard work under pressure. They were nice but without knowledge. The relatives experienced that the nursing home staff didn´t see or hear them and gave no confidence.

Hur man rättfärdigar intervention i suveräna stater : en studie av FN:s intervention i forna Jugoslavien

This study examines the theories about intervention and sovereignty in relation to the world of today, with the raising question about humanitarian intervention in a globalized society.The purpose of this paper is to examine if intervention can be justified in a sovereign state and how it can be justified. The expected outcome is that conclusion can be drawn from the specific case with United Nations intervention in Bosnia and Hercegovina, and what kind of motives they putted up to justify their intervention.Because we are still living in the era of the Westphalia system with the inherited thoughts of state sovereignty, but in conflict with the new ideas of globalization and human rights, it?s of big relevance to look at this topic closer.First of all the reader is presented to the theoretical aspects of state, sovereignty and different kinds of intervention, to become more aware of the complications surrounding the relationship between these conceptions.The method used in this study is a motive analysis with the focus on the motives told by United Nation, to be the reason for the intervention in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The empirical results are based on the reports from United Nations Security Council during the years 1991 ? 1995.The results are that the intervention in Bosnia and Hercegovina can be justified when looking at the theories in relation to the empirical result, with the FN ? charter and the fact of violation against humanitarian law and human rights.One conclusion can easily be drawn, that individual rights are playing a big role in today?s global society and are putting some pressure on the United Nation to look over the rules about humanitarian intervention..

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